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Situated between Fort Worth and Dallas, Texas, Arlington Independent School District serves 56,000 K-12 students, and has offered’s EasyTech for nearly a decade. But, driven by the shift to online STAAR testing – which would require keyboarding fluency in students as early as third grade – plus the increased focus on technology skills for college and career success, the district recently decided to double down on its efforts to implement EasyTech.

“We want students mastering the TA-TEKs digital literacy skills, but also want to empower them with the keyboarding skills to demonstrate their understanding of content on tests, without being slowed down by hunting down the right key.”

— Levianne Mirabelli, technology integration specialist

Learn more about how Arlington ISD created an ambassador program and developed a customized asynchronous learning path for their students to spur a dramatic boost in program usage and digital literacy skills for students.

Read the Case StudyArlington ISD case study thumbnail